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Naturistic Nutrition



Regular price $21.99
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A specialized supplement crafted to aid in achieving deep, restful sleep and supporting a healthy sleep cycle. This product blends Melatonin, Valerian Root, and GABA, targeting not only better sleep quality but also aiding in stress management and next-day focus.

Key Benefits

Supports Deep Sleep: Sleep assists in achieving REM sleep and deep sleep states, crucial for restorative rest.

Healthy Sleep Cycle Support: The inclusion of Melatonin, a hormone naturally produced in the dark, helps regulate sleep cycles which can often be disrupted in modern life. Supplementing with Melatonin has been shown to aid in maintaining regular sleep patterns.

Healthy Stress Response: Valerian Root, a time-honored herbal remedy, is utilized in this supplement to foster a healthy response to stress, further aiding in sleep quality. Its historical use is rooted in its Latin name, which translates to “to be healthy.”

Supports Next Day Focus: GABA (Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid), a key neurotransmitter in the brain, is included to assist in the transmission of information. This can support mental clarity and focus the following day.

Product Features

  • Contains Melatonin for sleep cycle regulation
  • Includes Valerian Root for stress management and sleep quality
  • Features GABA for enhancing next-day focus
  • Designed to support deep and restorative sleep
  • Aids in maintaining a regular sleep schedule

Experience the transformation of a good night's sleep with Sleep. Order now for a natural approach to achieving deep sleep, managing stress, and enhancing focus for your days ahead. Welcome to a new era of restful nights and focused days.

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